
My Socially Engaged Collaborations
FormerBoard Member of NFCB
NFCB is committed to enhancing collective impact in the field of community media and leading initiatives that contribute to innovation in public media’s service. NFCB provides customized services that optimize organizational capacity and help stations navigate change.
Photo by The Danger Booth
Massachusetts Assembly Member
Working within a values framework, the Assembly imagined and cultivated 3 strategies that would ultimately, uplift and recognized Black, Indigenous, and People of Color who have been doing the work of tending without enough financial resources; support those who have been traditionally denied or limited by oppressive systems, including philanthropy; and continue to support and share networks, resources, and opportunities to all creative place-tenders throughout Massachusetts.
Native Reparations: The first distribution strategy for this Assembly was to dedicate 40% of their funds towards Native Reparations. They recognized that the only way to do place based work with arts, culture, and creative expression, is to first acknowledge the first peoples of Turtle Island, past, present and future. The Native Youth Empowerment Foundation are the primary decision-makers and stewards of this work.
Ripple Gifting: While imagining alternative ways to do philanthropy, the group noted that far too often decision-makers make decisions from a perspective disconnected or removed from those and that for which they are considering funding. In that knowing, the group’s second strategy, fully implemented in 2020, was to acknowledge and uplift as many Massachusetts based practitioners as possible with an expansive ripple gifting economy. In practice, this meant inviting each Assembly member to identify up to 3 generations of ripples, both nominating giftees and then giving those gift recipients the opportunity to nominate as well.
Assembly 2.0: This 3rd strategy will result in a larger and final gift offering connected to the first 2 strategies. Assembly 2.0 is about convening and building power with this newly formed network of Assembly members and Ripple Gift Recipients, shifting visibility of a wider range of practitioners across the state.
In 2020 the Assembly moved over $1.14M of it’s pool of funds, completing their first two strategies. It’s 3rd strategy, Assembly 2.0 will launch in 2021.

Dorchester Not For Sale (DN4S)
A multilingual coalition of intergenerational local residents fighting for equitable development without displacement while centering working-class people of color. I collaborated on this flyer with local artist Justin Nguyen.

Dorchester Not For Sale (DN4S) Community Dinner Flyer and Video, 2018.
Image credit: Ngoc-Tran Vu and Justin Nguyen
This flyer was for the Dorchester Not For Sale's Community Dinner and Forum series. Dorchester Not For Sale is a multilingual coalition of intergenerational local residents fighting for equitable development without displacement while centering working-class people of color.
I collaborated on this flyer with local artist Justin Nguyen.